Fabiana Rezer, Wladimir Rodrigues Faustino


Objective: to describe the knowledge of the nurses of an Intensive Care Unit on the dressing of Central Venous Catheter. Method: descriptive, exploratory research with quantitative approach, performed with nurses in an Intensive Care Unit. A closed questionnaire was used with questions about Central Venous Catheter dressing and for documentary analysis of the patients submitted to the procedure. Data collection took place in the period from February to April 2016. The study follows all ethical and legal precepts, being approved with nº53479016.4.0000.5541. Results: Participants (100%) were right regarding hand hygiene and protection barriers; while 50% were correct in relation to the puncture site and the first dressing with gauze and micropore; 50% were correct regarding the clear membrane dressing. Conclusion: nurses have satisfactory knowledge about the dressing of central venous catheter, however, there is a need for capacity building and greater adherence in relation to nursing prescriptions.


Cateter Venoso Central. Enfermeiro. Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Curativo.

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