Structure of the stomach in the canine neonate
The stomach in the dogs is the key point among the organs of the digestive system that performs secretory and motor functions. Thus, our aim was to determine the morphology of the stomach tissue in the canine neonate. Forty-five canine neonates were obtained from females with dystocic parturitions or from pregnant dogs with problems at the end of the gestational stage, who had problems during parturition and / or cesarean section whose puppies had died. The neonate morphologic analysis was based on data obtained by scanning electron microscopy and common optical microscopy from classical histological techniques. The stomach is divided into four regions in which the abundance of folds is variable in each portion of the organ. The gastric mucosa presents invaginations that form the glandular epithelium and undifferentiated cells. The abundance of folds more and less developed, was observed depending on the region of the stomach. It was also observed at gastric mucosa the invaginations in the tunic to form the glandular epithelium and undifferentiated cells. The data presented in this paper, strongly suggest that the stomach of the canine neonate presents immature morphological characteristics, explaining the reduced functionality of the organ of newborn dogs in relation to the adults.
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ISSN: 2448-0002
Qualis CAPES - QUADRIÊNIO 2013-2016
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