Anderson Luiz Pena Costa, Antonio Carlos Freitas Sousa


Introduction: The transformations that the world population has been going through as a result of the processes of globalization and urbanization have also changed the dynamics of transmission of many infectious diseases, as well as their epidemiological profiles. In this context, this work proposes a reflection on the evolutionary aspects of emerging viral pathogens and factors that can contribute to reemergence events. Design: This article brings reflections from the authors about the scientific literature, addressing ecological and evolutionary factors that may occur in cases of emergence of viral pathogens according to the experience acquired after the Zika epidemic in Brazil. Results: The evolutionary mechanism by which viral agents evolve and acquire new structural and pathological properties also contributes to the decline in the number of cases in conjunction with preventive measures; and the biological diversity of vectors and possible candidates for intermediate hosts represents a factor that can contribute to the occurrence of epidemic events of reemergence. Implications: Analyzes focusing on the evolutionary aspects of viral agents can contribute to the early recognition of new symptoms, and efforts by health surveillance services on possible candidates for reservoir hosts can contribute to the prevention of reemergence events.


ZIKV, Biological Evolution, Emergent viruses, Epidemics.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26694/repis.v6i0.10816



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