Bruna Furtado Sena de Queiroz, Kamila Cristiane de Oliveira Silva, Tânia Rodrigues Furtado, Maria de Jesus Lopes Mousinho Neiva


Introduction: The novel Coronavirus is the pathogen of COVID-19 or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2), whose more common symptoms are fever, dry cough and dyspnea. This study aimed to analyze the epidemiological profile of all COVID-19 confirmed cases in the state of Piauí. Outline: Descriptive epidemiological study, as of data concerning to the confirmed cases collected in the epidemiological panel of Piauí with the following variables of study: total of cases, gender, age range, comorbidities associated to the deaths of people by COVID-19, occupation rate of the hospital and UCI beds in the state of Piauí. Results: The COVID-19 cases are of mainly occurrence in adults in the age range of 30 to 49, of the gender female. The deaths by the disease presented higher concentration in the elderly with associated comorbidities. More than 60% of the UCI beds are occupied by patients affected by the disease. Implications: The data about the COVID-19 in Piauí are quite of alarming, with an elevated number of contaminated persons. It is necessary to implement strategies for preventing the disease, to keep the measures of social isolation and to ensure qualified care to the affected ones, aiming to keep COVID-19 under control.

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