Rosane Silva Santana, Francisca Jéssica Abreu da Silva, Jancielle Silva Santos, Camila de Araújo Batista, Cynthia Araújo Frota, Mauricio José Alencar Morais, Jessica Mayra do Nascimento Cabral


Objective: To analyze the activities performed by nurses in the care of patients after kidney transplantation. Method: Descriptive qualitative study conducted at the High Complexity Hospital in Teresina-PI. Data collection took place in November and December 2017. Ten nurses participated in the research. It was made the content analysis of statements. Results: The main cares performed by nurses in the postoperative follow-up of renal transplantation were vital signs verification and medication administration. The findings of the study allow us to state that the educational process developed by nurses related to discharge guidelines was deficient. There was some disorganization in the guidelines, causing doubts about the necessary care after transplantation. Conclusion: The nurse who works with kidney transplant assumes a commitment to the well-being of the patient from the preoperative phase, with teaching, performing examinations and follow-up, until the postoperative evaluation.


Nursing Care. Kidney Transplantation. Critical Care.

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