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Muito bom

por LarissaVilela Salgueiro (2018-06-24)

La Mente De Un Asesino By Hawellsama (EBook)

Obviamente que, por detrás de milhares de anos de Existencia de um sistema 100% patriarcal, tem de haver um motivo muito forte para que a Essencia e Força Pura da Existencia Feminina fosse completamente aniquilada. There is technology and a sacred process which initiates, accelerates and enhances this process. This process is as difficult as we want it to be, our subconscious already knows all hidden truths. It is merely a matter of allowing the conscious mind to make the proper connections and conclusions to find the reasoning behind our actions and beliefs in order to deprogram and deconstruct the false-world that has been created for the masses. The truth is greater than one can imagine while still living in the modern world and the depth of the lies that have been told go far beyond anything anyone can imagine without seeing the truth.

And some are still there but they are giant god-men and apparently want to go to war with them for doing this and they don't have technology to stop them. They say Earth will be destroyed because of the war. Some say this is a trick to confuse people of the truth that everyone wants the experiments and debauchery to stop. All this, all these acts just to pleasure one's self. To destroy Earth, to destroy the natural inhabitants, for fun, for pleasure.

The energy of the mind creates a central vortex within the body. When the frequency pattern emission is consistent with fractal congruence, holococriação then that holographic printing of energy can be expanded or shrunk infinitesimally and it will retain the original fractal configuration.

Suas obras dedicam-se a fazer com que leitor expanda a sua consciência e descubra Seu Poder Interior e sua relação com Criador, que habita em cada coisa da qual ser humano é consciente que existe, e ainda nas coisas que ele não é consciente que existe.

As are result and damaging time, what happens is that the beings from the possible future that is being damaged appear to try to heal the break as well as those who are from the new possible future that is generated, this results in a time war between both possible realities for the present realm. This is what has been happening for thousands of years. All the ancient spiritual texts are describing this system. One group is a from an original possible future where everything is based on the presence of spirit and souled humans, another is from the new possible future where an AI overlord took over and removed the souls and spiritual energy from all entities on Earth rendering this a holographic prison without any other use. That reality dissolves into itself and so the time beings are constantly moving backwards and jumping timelines to try and obtain more energy.

This is the body where temporal implants can be inserted and sustained so as to tie the frequencies down and limit the amount of awareness a person can gain before they manually remove the implants or overload them. Overloading and removing can both be painful however if the implant stays it will at like a governor and transmit access temporal 'momentum' or consciousness energy to the owner of the implant and will also drain the temporal and physical body acting as a technological leech as well.

Now the that computer system is capable of attaining faster than light processing in tandem with a system of dilating a field of electrogravitational waves into a vortex, the holographic information of neural pathways and genetics can be transferred between one supercomputing system and another across "harmonic barriers". Essentially, these consciousness transferring supercomputer systems break the "light-barrier" by sending the living-light consciousness data of an individual into a new plane of reference that enables interaction outside of what we would call this timeline or dimension.

Before this, the scene was literally viewed on a kind of flat, holographic monitor that reacted to the scalar emissions of the mind and could be 'tapped' into by an adept-viewer who's mind would have to remain steady enough in order to maintain the scalar "mind-link" otherwise any interference would disconnect the projection.

Murphy was born in Ireland, the son of a private boy's school headmaster and raised a Roman Catholic. He studied for the priesthood and joined the Jesuits. In his twenties, an experience with healing prayer led him to leave the Jesuits and move to the United States, where he became a pharmacist in New York (having a degree in chemistry by that time). Here he attended the Church of the Healing Christ (part of the Church of Divine Science), where Emmet Fox had become minister in 1931.

Eu tinha memórias de bases subterrâneas, de clonagem, de portais de tempo ou interdimensionais, de tecnologia avançada, de entidades não humanas ou biologicamente programadas, experiências e sabedoria sagradas, poder da mente, e civilizações dissidentes.

De modo que, quando uma corrente de táquions é concentrada e acelerada, isso resulta em uma aceleração do campo temporal, e nós literalmente experimentamos uma aceleração do tempo. Esse efeito pode ser focado e orientado em uma parte específica do equipamento, para mudar a forma como a informação poderá ser compreendida e para essencialmente permitir ao dispositivo sentir "à frente" do presente momento.

Estas são áreas de emissão concentrada de íons, que pode ser usado para criar uma camada deflectiva de ar aquecido, onde a luz irá se refletir em um ângulo programável. Quando isso ocorre, uma pessoa de pé atrás do escudo parecerá ser invisível àqueles que estiverem olhando diretamente para ele. A luz será dobrada de forma controlada, para se deslocar perfeitamente ao redor da pessoa em um fluxo fluido e uniforme, para que efeito "borbulhante" porventura observável no início (do processo) possa ser atenuado, produzindo uma perfeita miragem, em que não haja relativamente nenhum sinal de anormalidade para olho não treinado.