Isolamento de staphylococcus aureus em mãos de profissionais de Unidades de terapia Intensiva

Lilian Machado Vilarinho, Maria Luci Costa Machado Vilarinho, Francisco Laurindo da Silva, Maria do Socorro Oliveira Guimaraes, Adnaide Cristina Almondes de Moura Leal


Quantitative research, of experimental delineation, whose objective was to isolate aureus suggestive colonies of Staphylococcus of the hands of the health professionals who work in the UTI of the Getúlio Hospital Vargas (GHV), to argue the importance of the laudering and antissepsia of the hands and to evaluate if isolated colonies can be correlated with cases of IH of the period of the collection of clinical specimens. Twenty professionals had participated. One collected specimens of the subungueal region and interpododáctila of one of the hands of each professional and sowed the material harvested in plates of Petri for posterior analysis of the carried through laboratoriais tests. Of the analysis, it can be concluded that, only 1% of the professionals presented aureus colonies of Staphylococcus in the hands, confirming the low index of infection in the patients interned in the UTI for these microorganisms.


Staphylococcus aureus ; Antiseption; Cross infection.

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