Demographic profile of the student's undergraduate degree in nursing / Perfil sociodemográfico do discente do curso de graduação em enfermagem / Perfil sociodemográfico del estudiante de la graduación de enfermeira

Layze Braz de Oliveira, Benevina Maria Vilar Teixeira Nunes, Luana Feitosa Mourão


Objective: To characterize the sociodemographic profile of students of an undergraduate degree in Nursing. Methods: This is a study with a quantitative approach, exploratory and descriptive. The population consisted of 320 students enrolled in undergraduate degree in nursing, of these only 216 agreed to participate in what characterizes this study as census. Data were collected through a form and analyzed using descriptive statistics with percentages of calculation distributed in graphs and tables. Results: The results showed that the majority of students are female, single, living in Teresina and own their own homes, which use public transport and are unemployed. Most of these uses the library with a low frequency and have a computer. On the choice of the course as a first choice for university entrance, most had preference for nursing. As for the reason why you chose this university degree (33%) replied that he wished nursing. The most developed activity at graduation was extension project. Conclusion: The demographic characteristics of the study population showed most young female, single, unemployed, coming from the municipality of Teresina, with their own home, using public transport. It was observed that the students have a computer and uses the low frequency library.

Keywords: Nursing education. Nursing students. Nursing.


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