Assitencias as practical nursing in peritoneal dialysis: a review / As práticas assistências de enfermagem na diálise peritoneal: uma revisão / Assitencias enfermería como práctica en diálisis peritoneal: una revisión

Francisca Elisangêla de Araújo, Vinicius Lino de Souza Neto, Ana Elza Oliveira de Mendonça, Tamiris Lanny Claudino Estrela Lins, Francisco Márcio Leite Granjeiro


Objective: The study aimed to identify the literature the nursing care practices to the patient on peritoneal dialysis procedure. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review conducted in the databases Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (LILACS), Bank of Nursing data (BDENF) in electronic library Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) between the months of June to August 2014, with a sample size 12 articles that met the inclusion criteria. Results: in the peritoneal dialysis process, care can be categorized as follows: pre-, intra- and post-procedure, all as the basic human needs of the patient. In the home environment the nurse should assess the environment of the house and suggests the necessary modifications. Conclusion: It is concluded that the nurse plays a vital role in patient care on dialysis, in order to minimize risks and improve the lives of patients.

Descriptors: Renal insufficiency chronic. Peritoneal dialysis. Nursing.

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