The brazilian teenagers and the reasons why they don't use condom to prevent HIV/Aids/O adolescente brasileiro e as razões do não uso do preservativo para prevenção do HIV/Aids/El adolescente brasileño y las razones para no utilizar preservativos para..

Abner Florêncio da Silva, Gilberto de Lima Guimarães


Objective: Identify the reasons why teenagers don't adhere to prevention and control of HIV/Aids. Methodology: Using the integrative review method, this research was guided by the following question: Why Brazilian teenagers don’t use condom as an effective way to prevent HIV/AIDS? The database consulted was from Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) and Base de Dados de Enfermagem (BDENF). The search period was from 2010 to 2014. Results: 539 articles, MEDLINE (401), LILACS (114) e BDENF (24). The sample consisted of 5 articles from database LILACS (4) and BDENF (1). Two analysis categories emerged: “the teenager and the social and cultural inequalities” and “the teenager and biopsychic changes”. Conclusion: The social inequality appeared as an important reason for the vulnerability during adolescence and adolescent behavior proved to be relevant to their exposure to contamination risks of HIV / AIDS. It is noteworthy that gender issues influence on the experience and implications of sexual intercourse among teenagers.

Descriptors: Adolescent health. HIV. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Nursing. Unsafe sex.

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